MyPath was a finalist and won a $3,500 grant in the Big Ideas, Bright Cities Challenge.
MVCAP Expands into Campbell City School District
The Mahoning Valley College Access Program (MVCAP), is pleased to announce an expansion of service for the first time in its nearly 20-year existence. Beginning with the 2020-2021 academic year, MVCAP will offer comprehensive services within the Community Literacy Workforce and Cultural Center for students of the Campbell City School District and the Northeast Ohio Impact Academy.
MVCAP has been in existence since 2001, formed to provide easier college access to students from first-generation and socio-economically disadvantaged families. Direct service to the Youngstown and Warren schools began in 2002. Since its inception, MVCAP has served nearly 10,000 students and families. MVCAP has now broadened its focus to include assistance and guidance into one of three pathways. In addition to the college pathway, students receive information about the career/technical pathway, including increased access to the skilled trades, as well as military/workforce. MVCAP also awards scholarship monies to students headed for a college or career program. The Last Dollar Scholarship provides extra financial support to students in their first year of post-high school education and is renewable for a second year.
“MVCAP is pleased to be able to extend our services to students and families in the Campbell City School District,” says Gerri Jenkins, MVCAP executive director. “We feel very strongly about the quality of talent in the Mahoning Valley and the educational opportunities available to them which will have an impact educationally, economically and on workforce development.”
Campbell City Schools Superintendent Matthew Bowen is highly supportive of the increased outreach. “We look forward to extending opportunities to our students with the resources made available through the partnership with MVCAP.”
“The MVCAP board of directors is very excited about partnering with the Campbell City School District and expanding our direct services to the students and their families,” states MVCAP Board President Denise Glinatsis Bayer.
The Mahoning Valley College Access Program provides service through the presence of college guides and advisors who receive support from AmeriCorps and CollegeNow as part of Serve Ohio. The schools currently served are Warren G Harding; Youngtown East and Chaney High Schools and the Youngstown Rayen Early College. Beginning in September, MVCAP College Guides will resume formal service to the Choffin Career and Technical Center.