MyPath was a finalist and won a $3,500 grant in the Big Ideas, Bright Cities Challenge.
Message from the Director
It is difficult to believe that I have been serving in this position for almost seven months! During that time I have had the opportunity to meet wonderful people both within and outside the foundation community who are committed to the creation of an educated workforce.
I have learned much about the organization; the dedication of the advisor and College Guides, who keep the program running like a well-oiled machine. They work hard at creating relationships with the students and their families to facilitate a seamless transition to college, a career/technical program, joining the military or finding a good paying job. We are the only educational nonprofit organization who provides direct service in the Warren and Youngstown City School Districts. Come July, we will begin serving students and families in the Campbell City Schools.
During the past seven months MVCAP has established relationships with the Regional Chamber of Commerce; is a member of the statewide “Complete to Compete” efforts and has met with the leadership of both the cities of Warren and Youngstown as well as the Superintendent of Warren and the CEO of the Youngstown City School District. I am excited to see what the future holds during the next month – but so far I have loved every minute here!!
Gerri Jenkins
Executive Director
Mahoning Valley College Access Program