MyPath was a finalist and won a $3,500 grant in the Big Ideas, Bright Cities Challenge.
$30K Grant Expands College Prep Services for Youngstown Students
The Mahoning Valley College Access Program today announced that it has secured a grant of $30,000 to help more Youngstown City Schools students apply for financial aid for college and other forms of education.
MVCAP, which helps inner-city school students plan their futures, received the funds as part of Ohio’s “FAFSA 2021” initiative, which encourages more students to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid Form, commonly known as the FAFSA. The funding is part of a pandemic relief package passed by Congress in early 2020.
The grant funds will enable MVCAP to dedicate more resources to helping Youngstown students complete FAFSA forms.
In addition to assisting students during the rest of the academic year, MVCAP representatives will meet with students during the Youngstown City School District’s Summer Enrichment Program to help them complete their FAFSAs. Representatives of Youngstown State University’s Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships will also be available to assist.
“We are very excited about assisting Youngstown City School District scholars as they plan for successful futures after high school,” said Gerri Jenkins, executive director at MVCAP. “We welcome the opportunity to interact with those who are earlier in their studies, so they know the resources that are available to them.
“Completing the FAFSA is the first and most crucial step to knowing how much financial aid a student qualifies for, and this has a huge influence on a student’s decision about his or her future,” Jenkins added. “This has never been truer than during the COVID-19 pandemic. With job loss affecting so many families, it’s very important to know how much financial aid students can expect, and this starts with proper completion of a FAFSA.”
Established in 2001 – and celebrating its 20th anniversary this year — the Mahoning Valley College Access Program provides resources and tools that help inner-city school students explore post-secondary education, career and technical training, job opportunities and military service. MVCAP currently serves students and families at Warren G. Harding High School, Youngstown East and Chaney high schools, Youngstown Rayen Early College and Campbell High School.